University of Ghana Ranked 1,240 in World Rankings and 1st in West Africa

University of Ghana Crest

The locally famous University of Ghana has made the news again by being ranked 1,240 on the January 2020 Webometric Rankings thereby placing it ahead of all the Universities in Ghana and even West Africa.

Essentially, the ranking puts the University of Ghana on the 17th position in the whole of Africa, 1st in West Africa, 1st in Ghana and 1240th in the world. This is a great achievement for the University of Ghana.

Since 2004, the Cybermetrics Lab (Spanish National Research Council, CSIS) which is the biggest public research body in Europe for the purpose of giving out multidimensional, reliable, updated and useful information regarding the performance of of universities all over the world based on their web presence and impact.

Supporting open access initiatives and electronic access to access to scientific research and other academic materials as well as promotion of web publications are some of the objectives of the Webometrics Ranking of the World’s Universities.

University of Ghana maintained it’s 1st place in Ghana with The Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) following closely with a world rank of 1,676; a West African rank of number 3 and a Ghanaian rank of number 2.

In previous years the scores for the University of Ghana’s rank on Webometrics are (World Rank) (2005 – 5,794) (2015 – 1,761) (2017 – 1,657) (2018 – 1,555)

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5 years ago

Great content! Super high-quality! Keep it up! 🙂